Saturday, March 28, 2020

Fiber optic network: how does it work?

At Alpha Telecom Solutions we are experts in the design and installation of fiber optic telecommunications networks for campsites , hotels or other tourist complexes . And betting on fiber optics, we explain exactly how the fiber optic network works to better understand the advantages that this system can offer you fiber optic jobs near me.

What is the fiber optic network?

The fiber optic network is currently the best way to transmit information, being able to transmit up to 1G per second . To achieve such speeds, the fiber interprets light as information , and uses its speed for its transmission.

What is its structure?

To understand how it really works, it is important to know how fiber optic cables are composed .
The cables are mainly made up of two elements :
  • Optical core : formed by the set of glass or plastic filaments , with a diameter of 1/8 of a millimeter known as optical fibers. Each of these can contain hundreds of strands of fibers.
  • Protection elements : Armor, covers, etc. Layered superimposed around the optical nucleus, protecting the optical nucleus from the environment.

How does the fiber optic network work?

Controlled pulses of light are transmitted through fiber optic cables This light is transmitted through LEDs or lasers, and travels throughout the fiber until it reaches its destination.
It is in the light where the information or data is found in the form of bits that are transmitted throughout the network.
In order to bring information through light, a principle of physics is used that reveals that light can travel through glass ; light particles or photons hit the glass walls of a fiber and are reflected as if hitting a mirror.
This principle, known as light reflection , allows all transmitted light to remain inside the cable until it reaches its destination.

Fiber optics can offer us great benefits over data transmission speed , file quality or network security, among many others. Therefore, installing a fiber optic network in your camping or hotel can be a before and after for your business. If you want to know more about the advantages that a fiber optic network can offer, contact us. At Alpha Telecom Solutions we are experts in the design and installation of fiber networks for hotels or campsites.


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