In this week's post, I want to talk to you about what are they and what is the basic life support technique ( BLS )? A question that at first glance we could say that within first aid , would be the basic techniques that keep the person alive in a relief action, we would speak of the acronym SVB / BLS as a basic emergency care program that includes training in the phases of airway management, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and external defibrillation, represent the basic level of preparation that every health professional or provider must have.
But the most widely accepted definition of basic life support is the level of care indicated for patients with life-threatening illnesses or injuries, applied until the patient receives full medical care, that is, basic first aid that guarantees life. , until specialized medical attention arrives, which would be advanced life support ( ALS ).
In general, BLS is used in pre-hospital emergency situations and can be supplied without medical equipment, it can be done by anyone who has been trained on BLS, for example, technicians in health emergencies, or firefighters, police officers, teachers, etc. .
Within basic life support (BLS), I have to talk to you about the Chain of Survival, it is the set of actions that allows saving the life of the person who is the victim of a cardiorespiratory emergency , or argued in another way are those steps and actions that must be followed, in a certain order, so that the probability that a person survives is the greatest possible technical support job description.
The steps to follow in the Chain of Survival are as follows:
1- Recognition of what is happening, in order to avoid reaching the person to cardiorespiratory arrest, for this you will have to carry out an evaluation of the person and then and more importantly is to notify 112, if we do not notify no one will come to help us , so we will be alone at all times.
In the evaluation of the person, you can find a person who is conscious and breathing, such as a bone fracture, or a person who is not conscious and breathes, as it can be before a hemorrhage, and the most complicated and where we should act In an agile and coordinated way it is in an unconscious person and not breathing, here we would have to start the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers.
In the second case where the person is unconscious and breathing, we must place the person in a lateral safety position, controlling pulse and respiration, until advanced life support arrives.
In the third case where the person is unconscious and not breathing, we speak of cardiorespiratory arrest, which consists of the abrupt, unexpected and potentially reversible cessation of pulmonary respiration and blood circulation. As oxygen does not reach the whole body, the cells of the brain and other organs necessary for life can be damaged, we proceed as I mentioned to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which consists of a set of temporary and standardized maneuvers intentionally intended to ensure oxygenation of vital organs when a person's blood circulation stops suddenly, regardless of the cause of the cardiorespiratory arrest.
Of course, all this procedure, carrying out the PAS Rule, basic in any action in first aid, I refer to the P for prevention, that is, to ensure the area where we are going to help, so that another accident is not caused or we can power our life in danger, and the A to advise 112 and finally the S to help with the ideas of basic life support and the chain of survival.
2- Beginning of basic CPR with cardiac massage and breaths.
3-Ask those present, the location of a portable defibrillator or AED , surely you have seen them in schools, sports halls, shopping centers, there are even applications for phones, where they can locate the closest one, according to your geolocation.
If a portable automated external defibrillator (AED) is obtained, we must use it, it is an electronic device that diagnoses and treats cardiorespiratory arrest when it is due to ventricular fibrillation (in which the heart has electrical activity but without mechanical effectiveness) or a tachycardia ventricular without pulse (in which there is electrical activity and in this case the blood pumping is ineffective), restoring an effective heart rhythm electrically and mechanically.
The defibrillation is to issue a continuous current pulse to the heart simultaneously depolarizing all myocardial cells and can resume normal electrical rhythm or other effective means .
We had said that technical support is a range of services through which assistance is provided to users when they have a problem when using a product or service, be it the hardware or software of a computer, an Internet server, peripherals, electronic components or any other equipment or device. The technical service on the other hand (from the English service desk or also understood as call center, contact center or help desk) is a fundamental capacity within IT Service Management (ITSM), as defined in the Information Technology Infrastructure Library. Its objective is to provide a “single point of contact” or SPOC (Single Point Of Contact), to satisfy the communication needs between IT and its customers.
Assistance or technical support is defined in Esaña, according to article 2 of Decree 2123 of 1975, as "the advice given through a contract for the provision of servicesincorporeal, for the use of technological knowledge applied through the exercise of an art or technique ”. While the technical service has no legal definition. The tax administration opted for the definition drawn up by the State Council in the order of July 26, 1984 and the judgments of April 29, 1988 and February 12, 2004, through concept 47861 of June 11, 2009, which states that "technical services are understood as advice given through a contract for the provision of intangible services, for the use of technological knowledge applied through the exercise of an art or technique, without implying the transfer of knowledge."
That is, technical support is comprised mostly by a specialist technician who provides assistance to the equipment or problem in question, taking care of repairing or maintaining it, and technical service by a person who provides advice and help, but does not exactly solve the problem or failure. .
Additionally, it is usually understood within technical service to customer service, which in many cases, as the popular saying goes: "does not help or solve anything". We share a funny illustrative image that parodies this latest service. See more.
The Computing Service, when its technical and human resources make it possible, provides technical assistance in the area of microinformatics and workstations.
1. MAKE a part of the Technical Assistance Request (Software or Hardware)
To expedite its resolution, we ask that you duly fill in the TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REQUEST FORM (SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE) , filling in all the information contained therein.
In Detailed description of the problem, indicate the error message, symptoms, how to repeat the problem, frequency, etc.
In Type: Software / Hardware , indicate if possible to which area the problem belongs. As a general rule:
SOFTWARE: If the problem is with a program (either Office, Firefox, the mail program ... or even Windows itself )
HARDWARE: If, on the contrary, the problem is in something physical (computer, printer, screen, hard disk, etc.)
2. MONITORING of the parts made and communication with the technicians:
The management of the parties has been integrated into the UACloud "UA Requests" application (accessible from the Notification Center and from pending Notifications ).
At any time you can check the status of the part or add additional observations, and even communicate by message with the assigned technicians .
The UACloud manuals include help for the "UA Requests" application.
Support and Technical Assistance Software and Hardware
Solve access problems to Universitas XXI
UA Software Licenses ( Microsoft , Adobe , SPSS )
Request for the installation of software in computer rooms
Communication of incidents in Computer Rooms maintained by the SI.
Programs recommended by the Computing Service for teams at the UA
Communication & Networking
Transfer or Request for a new connection point to the university network
Internet connection problems at the UA computer stations
Connection to the wireless network (WIFI eduroam)
If you have problems following the Wi-Fi installation instructions , you can contact the support staff located in the Free Access Computer Rooms
Connection to the UA network from outside the University (RedUA, Virtual Classroom, Electronic Resources, Iris Network, VPN - Virtual Private Network)
Support and Assistance Parts Web maintenance
(see Vualà's frequently asked questions before sending it)
Problems uploading images to Vualà (installation of UA certificate for Vualà )
Equipment recycling
Withdrawal ( recycling ) of computer equipment [ DOC | PDF ]
Request for recycled computer equipment
Management Applications
Incidents and requests related to management applications (File and registry, grants and degrees, libraries, academic management, space management, financial management, mobility and access, OTRI / research, teaching management plan, human resources, selectivity, pre-registration and over 25 years, information system UA, Kron, Vértice (video encoding), data exploitation, etc.)
Ventricular fibrillation is the most common cause of sudden death.
4-With the arrival of the Advanced Life Support Team (ALS) , we will explain everything we have done, for how long and we will answer your questions, and we will let you act, here the basic life support would end and we would enter the Advanced Life Support .